Planting Churches & Equipping Leaders

At Excel we believe planting a church is too important to fail.

We understand how hard it is, and we know you want to be prepared to plant a church. To do that, you need a network of church planters that have the experience to support you. Excel has a team of successful church planters ready to help you.

Here is how we do it…

Step 1:

We help you discover if you are ready to plant.

The discovery center is our assessment process and the whole focus is on helping leaders take their next best step in ministry. This is a two-and-a-half-day event.


Step 2: We help you develop a plan to launch your church.

Every location and situation is unique. Our team of experienced church planters will provide you with feedback and suggestions to maximize your vision.


Step 3: Match you with an experienced church planting coach.

Everyone needs a coach. Someone that can ask you the hard questions and help you find the answers.


Step 4: We financially support your church plant.

Our network of church planters have done what you are about to do. They believe in Excel and in the future of church planting. That is why they give back financially, to pay it forward to you.


“We bet on the jockey, not the horse, we are about the driver rather than the brand on the car. We’re very interested in the name on the back of the jersey. We are player and leader centered rather than church centered.”

— J.D. Pearring

Let’s meet up in real life to talk about your ministry plans.


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